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Linear Amplifiers / Re: BLF245 30W Broadcast Amplifier
« Last post by eye102 on September 09, 2024, 01:15:29 am »
think it time for a new you tube video on this amp  ;)
CB Radio Discussion Board / Re: Magnum S9 Backlight Fault
« Last post by ZoZo on August 30, 2024, 10:31:52 am »
* magnum_s9_echo_sch.pdf (104.08 kB - downloaded 14 times.)

* magnum_s980_control_sch.pdf (586.72 kB - downloaded 16 times.)

* magnum_s9_sch.pdf (192.76 kB - downloaded 15 times.)
CB Radio Discussion Board / Magnum S9 Backlight Fault
« Last post by ZoZo on August 30, 2024, 10:29:58 am »
I'm currently trying to fault find an issue with a Magnum S9 backlight. Its a very intermitant fault, sometime it will work fine all the time its on until a power cycle, and other times it will not work from cold; sometime just a small flash from the meter backlight will be the only indication that it wants to work.

My suspicion is it has something to do with the dimmer circuit which works accross all backlights for frequency counter, signal meter and channel number display.

I have all the schematics, which I'll post here.

Has anyone else has this issue, and being able to isolate the nature of the fault?

Technical Corner / Re: Stereocoder design
« Last post by eye102 on August 15, 2024, 06:19:41 pm »
Look forward to seeing it
Linear Amplifiers / Re: BLF245 30W Broadcast Amplifier
« Last post by MonTaylor on August 15, 2024, 01:57:40 pm »
just waiting on the last part and then testing will begin.
Technical Corner / Re: Stereocoder design
« Last post by Albert H on August 13, 2024, 09:56:05 pm »
Design for a stereocoder.

That's an oldie!  It's a truly horrible design, and will have lots of "unwanted" outputs!

If you're looking for a really good, easily built stsreo coder, I'll put one up here shortly.
General Discussion / stuff on Ebay
« Last post by MonTaylor on July 05, 2024, 10:20:30 am »
Technical Corner / Re: nrg 40 amp
« Last post by MonTaylor on July 05, 2024, 08:09:07 am »
the yellow trimmers were band new when i built it a year or 2 ago. they have hardly been turned at all. i think ill bypass the 1w input section and just drive it at 5w for now. 
Technical Corner / Re: nrg 40 amp
« Last post by ZoZo on July 05, 2024, 07:50:38 am »
I'd probably recommend checking the condition of the yellow trimmer caps, even better would be to replace them if they have been subjected to many turns. Also they seem to attract dust and dirty easily which can be dragged inside and damage the thin Polymer film separating the plates and cause a short.
Technical Corner / nrg 40 amp
« Last post by MonTaylor on July 05, 2024, 07:31:56 am »
Hello Radio Builders
is there any checks i can do on this before i put in the BLW 60? i did run power to it like it is a saw a little magic smoke so
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